Freight and passenger ferry services

We operate a year round, twice daily international ferry service from Wales to Ireland with Irish Ferries, and have the capacity to expand.

Pembroke Dock Ferry Terminal can accommodate vessels of up to 185 metres in length, with a draft of up to 6.5 metres. With a two-tier linkspan we can process your freight and passenger traffic quickly, safely and efficiently, allowing you to manage your costs and get your passengers to their destination on time.


We are skilled in handling the demands of accompanied and unaccompanied freight at our busy terminal. With a fleet of 60T tugmasters/haulmajors our operatives can perform fast, efficient and safe transfer of your unaccompanied cargo. There is a secure, dedicated freight access and storage area, and a drivers lounge for accompanied freight drivers. For long term storage requirements, we have internal and external laydown space within the Port environs.

  • Secure, dedicated freight access and storage area
  • Two tier linkspan
  • 60T tugmasters/haulmajors fleet
  • Drivers lounge
  • Weighbridge
  • Onsite Border Agency & Police
  • Uncongested transfer to the M4/M5/M6 motorways

Office of Destination

Pembroke Port is a UK Government approved site, where customs and documentary checks can take place for goods moving inbound to the UK. Presenting goods arriving in the UK from the EU must be carried out at an Office of Destination at the first arrival point.

With twice daily Irish Ferries’ sailings arriving from Rosslare, this is a convenient service for hauliers to ensure that goods can transit onwards to their arrival point.

Passenger services

Our friendly team provide the warm welcome your passengers deserve while ensuring that departures run smoothly and efficiently. And with a dedicated arrivals and departure terminal for foot passengers we have the capacity to comfortably handle more than 320,000 passengers per year.

  • Dedicated pre-marshal area
  • Secure post marshalled space with café facilities for car passengers
  • Terminal facility with café for foot and coach passengers
  • Complimentary coach service onto the vessel for foot passengers
  • Free short and long stay parking
  • Onsite Border Force & Police
  • Uncongested transfer to the M4/M5/M6 motorways

Passenger information

Visit Irish Ferries for:

Route information, timings and bookings

Directions, parking and rail connections

Book tickets

Latest News


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In the Community

The Port of Milford Haven is committed to re-investing its profits to benefit local communities which it does through its Community Support Programme.

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